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What Our Clients Say

With the introduction of the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) July 1st, 2014, it was important for us to ensure… compliance. Tandem Thinkers designed and delivered a creative and effective seminar to help us understand both the intent, and the protocols, for ensuring compliance.

Genevieve SinghManager, Communications - Town of East Gwillimbury

…Doug’s leadership…proved to be pivotal…[and]…demonstrated Doug’s skills in effective research, report writing, and building and delivering a compelling presentation…

George SchrijverPrincipal at WCM Consulting Inc.

…Through Doug’s leadership and innovative thinking we were able to develop… cornerstone… solutions… and provide strategic ideas…

Bill OliphantVice President

…Thinking creatively, being a strong contributor, attention to detail, and commitment to success are only some of the attributes Doug brings to a project. …

Bob KyriakidesBusiness Owner: Digital Hero

…Doug has the ability to fashion ideas and information and deliver them in reports and presentations to both business and community organizations in a compelling and understandable way…

Dan RubySmall Business Consultant at York Small Business Enterprise Centre

Doug has a wide breadth and depth of experience in business, with a keen focus on what needs to be done. His dedication to supporting local businesses makes him an ideal mentor/coach for small business and entrepreneur…

Eva GreffEnergy and sustainability consultant at NewSpring Energy

…I was impressed with Doug’s ability to synthesize complex community and…issues into a simple visual model, and at the same time pay attention to the details it takes to ensure success…I recommend Doug as a great asset for any project requiring creative thinking, complex issues and involving multiple stakeholders…

Francis LoughheedManagement Consulting and Facilitation

Doug made himself available on very short notice… [and] … brought a combination of key skills to the team including a shared sense of urgency, strategy, creativity and a passion to win. His marketing and analytical skills strengthened our ability to create a powerful story. It was great to have Tandem Thinkers on our team.

Donna IngramManager of Strategic Initiatives, Town of East Gwillimbury

…[Doug] researched our competition, mapped our likely stakeholders and their respective priorities, and forged a compelling report and presentation out of the work. Doug’s ability to simplify complex issues, communicate key messages and link business and community priorities makes him a strong contributor wherever he engages.

Dan StoneEconomic Development Officer

…Doug brings a wealth of skills and relationships in both business and municipal government. …His professional drive and passion…make him a great asset…

Cathy NesbittBusiness Owner: Cathy’s Crawly Composters

…Doug approached the needs with passion and urgency, becoming a trusted advisor…as a solution provider and subject matter expert…

Terry RussellPrincipal at Russell and Partners

…[Doug] was able to summarize the myriad of detailed information and present it to the committee in an understandable format. He also provided the…team with concrete suggestions on how they could engage the community in the process. …Doug’s skill sets are an asset to any organization.

John EatonCouncillor, Town of East Gwillimbury