Doug in the Community
Town of East Gwillimbury: Vice-Chair of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (3+ years). Doug is also an advisor to town economic development and sustainability staff and volunteer participant in multiple community events and meetings.
Volunteer Business Mentoring: Multiple York Region small business startups, assisting business planning, market analysis and strategy.
Newmarket Chamber of Commerce: Member of Awards Committee.
Advisory Board Member: 3+ years advising a not-for-profit on strategy.
Endowment Fund: Previous Chair of a local endowment fund for 5 years which helps those in need at a local, country, and global level.
National Student Entrepreneur Competition: Volunteer judge at regional and national events.
East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce: Member for 8+ years including participating as vice-chair of the EG Home and Lifestyle Show Committee.
Community Liaison Committee – Upper York Sewage Solutions: Member for the York Region Upper York Sewage Solutions project for just under three years.
Public/Private Partnership – Attracting a Post Secondary Institution to the Town of East Gwillimbury: Chair of the University Sub-Committee of the Economic Development Advisory Committee.
York Region Small Business Enterprise Centre Northern Six (N6) Seminar Series: Member of the 2012/13 planning committee for education of small businesses on a variety of topics and has participated in multiple N6 seminars as panelist and speaker in prior years.
Georgina Green Energy Co-operative: President, Incorporator, and Founding Director of a community based renewable energy co-operative.
Green Connections Network: Four years on the board, three as Vice-Chair for a not-for-profit corporation focused on educating and mentoring businesses, organizations, and individuals on sustainable solutions and practices for business operations and life.
Kim in the Community
Handbell Choir: Music director of a three octave volunteer choir for eight years, supporting community music in northern York Region.
East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce: Twelve years as member and eight years on the Board, including roles as Director, Secretary, Vice President, President and Past President.
Ontario Chamber of Commerce & Canadian Chamber of Commerce: East Gwillimbury Board liaison.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: Kim was recently recognized by James Edgar, President RASC, “for her important and valuable contribution to the publishing success of our Society’s Journal.”
Community Orchestra: 15 years playing bassoon now in two Aurora-based community orchestras.