• In the Community

Tandem Thinkers knows that a successful community is based on partnership with individuals, organizations, government, and business. Real success comes from working together. We are committed to sharing our time and talent to create that success. Since we each have different skills (figure out which of us can’t clap to a beat), we have been involved in different organizations and in different capacities.

Doug in the Community

Town of East Gwillimbury: Vice-Chair of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (3+ years). Doug is also an advisor to town economic development and sustainability staff and volunteer participant in multiple community events and meetings.

Volunteer Business Mentoring: Multiple York Region small business startups, assisting business planning, market analysis and strategy.

Newmarket Chamber of Commerce: Member of Awards Committee.

Advisory Board Member: 3+ years advising a not-for-profit on strategy.

Endowment Fund: Previous Chair of a local endowment fund for 5 years which helps those in need at a local, country, and global level.

National Student Entrepreneur Competition: Volunteer judge at regional and national events.

East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce: Member for 8+ years including participating as vice-chair of the EG Home and Lifestyle Show Committee.

Community Liaison Committee – Upper York Sewage Solutions: Member for the York Region Upper York Sewage Solutions project for just under three years.

Public/Private Partnership – Attracting a Post Secondary Institution to the Town of East Gwillimbury: Chair of the University Sub-Committee of the Economic Development Advisory Committee.

York Region Small Business Enterprise Centre Northern Six (N6) Seminar Series: Member of the 2012/13 planning committee for education of small businesses on a variety of topics and has participated in multiple N6 seminars as panelist and speaker in prior years.

Georgina Green Energy Co-operative: President, Incorporator, and Founding Director of a community based renewable energy co-operative.

Green Connections Network: Four years on the board, three as Vice-Chair for a not-for-profit corporation focused on educating and mentoring businesses, organizations, and individuals on sustainable solutions and practices for business operations and life.

Kim in the Community

Handbell Choir: Music director of a three octave volunteer choir for eight years, supporting community music in northern York Region.

East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce: Twelve years as member and eight years on the Board, including roles as Director, Secretary, Vice President, President and Past President.

Ontario Chamber of Commerce & Canadian Chamber of Commerce: East Gwillimbury Board liaison.

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada: Kim was recently recognized by James Edgar, President RASC, “for her important and valuable contribution to the publishing success of our Society’s Journal.”

Community Orchestra: 15 years playing bassoon now in two Aurora-based community orchestras.